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Super Health Studio Alexandra Börner

Perormance | 2016 | Los Angeles

PLEASE devide in groups of II or III| Sozial Fabrics in Kollaboration mit Katrin Mayer | Kunstverein Leipzig |2020

PLEASE devide in groups of II or III| Kollaboration mit Anja Kaiser und Simone N. Niquille |Kunstverein Leipzig |2020
Singularity Song
Perormance | 2018 | Red Cat Theater | Los Angeles | Collaboration with Rachel Mason, Oguri and Kip Thorne
Collaboration | 2016 | WIFE | Los Angeles
Enter the Cave
Perormance | 2017 | Los Angeles
safety first
Collection der Eisdealer | 2014 | Halle
Perormance | 2017 | Master
Perormance | 2015 | Bachelor
Collection | 2014 | Halle
der EisDealer
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